August 3 Update: IMPORTANT DMV INFORMATION Regarding the August 4, 2018 Closing
IMPORTANT DMV INFORMATION Regarding the August 4, 2018 Closing
Pre-assigned Temporary Tags/Offline Processing
On Saturday, August 4, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) system will be down and unable to connect to your vendor’s systems, DO NOT WORRY, this should not affect your ability to sell vehicles because PoD dealers have the ability to issue pre-assigned PoD 30 day temporary tags offline whenever the vendor’s system is unable to connect with DMV.
The offline temp tag process functions to allow participating dealers the means to continue normal business operations until a connection with DMV is reestablished.
When an authorized PoD user is unable to connect to DMV, the vendor’s software will enable the use of the pre-assigned tags until the connection is reestablished. Most vendor systems will automatically switch to the offline processing mode, however, depending on the PoD vendor; the dealership may have to activate this function from within the vendor’s software.
The vendor’s software will be responsible for reprinting a pre-assigned temporary tag until the tag information is submitted to DMV when connection is reestablished. PoD temporary license plates issued prior to a loss in connection will not be available for correction or reprint. Processing offline temp tags functions is no different than the normal PoD temp tag issuance process; simply enter the customer and vehicle information.
If you have further questions or would like to inquire about the pre-assigned tags, please contact your PoD vendor.
Motor Vehicle Dealer Board
2201 W. Broad Street Suite 104
Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 367-1100
Fax (804) 367-1053