President’s Message

Donald Sullivan Jr, President, VIADA
Sullivan Auto Trading

Greetings Dealer Operators,

I am truly humbled and honored to have been selected as President of the Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers Association (VIADA) for the 2023-2024 term. When I look at the list of Past Presidents who have served this great association, I am in awe of the success that they achieved in their careers and am grateful for the countless contributions that they have made to grow this association.

Partnering with the great team in Richmond, my commitment to our members is three-fold:

  • We will continue the great work of my predecessor, Craig Amelung, and the VIADA team to increase our membership and bring more awareness to our dealers by scheduling district meetings in conjunction with both New Dealer Operator classes and the in-person Dealer Operator Recertification classes we conduct.
  • We will partner with our VIADA staff and our PAC to build partnerships with our state legislators to help educate them on our business. We will invite them to our district and state meetings so they can better know our needs and our goals. Our partnership with the leaders in Richmond has never been stronger than in in our 64 years, and we will strive to make these relationships even stronger.
  • We will operate with the highest level of transparency and integrity to bring honor to all those who have served before us. Your Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and District Officers will operate with one goal in mind; to grow our association and bring countless training and support opportunities to our members.

In closing I want to thank everyone who makes this association successful. To the VIADA team in Richmond, our Ladies Auxiliary, our Industry Partners, our Past Presidents, our current officers, and our Dealer Members….THANK YOU! Without each of you the past 64 years is not possible.
